domingo, 16 de enero de 2022



I don't think I had ever thought about changing things in my career curriculum, but I think I would like to take academic load off more than anything else. The truth is that I see some of my friends out of college and they have fewer subjects, so they can concentrate more on those that are going to serve them more in the future. For example, I have a couple of science subjects that I don't think are really important in my future, since they are things that I was taught in school and now seeing the same things again, make me waste my time on that and not on studying other new things. I feel that the amount of study that I have to dedicate to each subject is fine, but since there are so many, it becomes very heavy, so if there were fewer subjects per semester, I would have a reasonable academic load and not stressful.

If I had to change something in the faculty, it would be some bathrooms, they are clean, but a little neglected, for example, there is one that literally has a giant hole in the ceiling.

The professors teach very well, some are a little strict, but I feel that it is part of what the university is, so the truth is, I have not thought of any change regarding that.

Time travel to the future

 Hello everyone, today I am here to tell you about a trip to the future that I would like to make. If I could travel back in time, I would travel to Japan about 50 years in the future. That would be in the year 2072, something very far away. If you ask me why I would like to visit that place and that time, I would answer that it is because Japan is a country with a very advanced technology, and today, in the year 2022, we pass us in a million things, being a very technologically developed country. So let's try to imagine what Japan would be like in the year 2072. 

I really believe that many futuristic things can be done, like having flying cars, invisible cell phones, robots that walk down the street just like a human, somehow making the streets safer and things like that. Something I would love to see happen is if we could teleport. My dream since I was little has always been to be able to teleport, because it would save me a lot of time, I could sleep later, do a lot more things, see more people, go out without worrying about the time to go home and things like that. 

In conclusion, if I could do those things in the future, I would live there, because it would be a dream come true. 

miércoles, 5 de enero de 2022

My future job

 Hello, I hope you are very well. Today I come to tell you about what I would like to do in the future, what I would like to work in. To be honest, my dream has always been to have a bakery, to be able to bake sweet things like cakes, cookies, pies and lots of delicious things. I would like to have a place where I can cook in peace, decorate it with beautiful colors, play good music, sell cakes for special occasions and many other things. I would like to be able to make this bakery outside Santiago, probably in the south of Chile, to sell warm things during the winter, since it will be cold.

In the case of not being able to fulfill this dream, I would like to work creating plant based food, for people who prefer not to eat meat like me, vegetarian, vegan people, etc. I would not like to be locked up in an office to work, but maybe in the lab, as I have slowly realized that I love it there. Another thing I would like to do is to work in product quality, to evaluate food through the senses, such as smell, sight, taste and touch.

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2021

Favorite series of my childhood

 Hi, today I want to tell you about my favorite series in my infancy. This series is called "wizards of waverly place", from Disney. 

This series stars selena gomez who at that time was my favorite singer, so I loved to watch it. It is about a family of wizards, they are three brothers and Alex, the main character, is the middle sister. Her older brother Justin, is very studious, he loves to study, go to school and always follows the rules. The younger brother Max, is very distracted, sees magic as something fun and does stupid things all the time. Alex, is a rebellious young girl, who ignores her parents, is irresponsible, does very badly in school but is a lot of fun. The three of them can do magic, but they must learn to use it, for that, their dad teaches them something different in each episode, and he renounced his magic to be able to marry his wife and the mother of the 3 brothers, because she was a simple mortal. They must be careful how they do things, because the world does not know that there are wizards and that they are. 

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021

My beautiful pet

 Hello again, today I want to tell you about my beautiful pet. 

My pet is a dog, his name is Poyoyo, I know it's a little strange name but he has a funny story. 

He is a dog without a specific breed, but he is still beautiful. Many years ago together with my brothers we wanted to have a dog until my dad permitted us to have one. 

We searched the internet for a puppy to adopt and found a family that was giving Poyoyo and his siblings up for adoption. We had to go looking for him on the other side of town, but it was totally worth it. When he came home he was a very small and sweet little ball of fur. 

He is big but not gigantic, white with brown and looks like an ice cream. He has very cute light eyes that hypnotize you.

Poyoyo is really part of the family, every time I see him he gets affection or plays with him. He likes to play a lot, but now that he is a little older, he runs and plays less. 

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2021

My Favorite Holidays

 Hi again, today I want to tell you about my favorite vacation.  Actually, it was not a vacation, but a summer camp.

It was in January 2020, just before the pandemic. The location of this vacation was on a very small island in Chiloé called Quenac. Only 340 people live there, so you can imagine how small the island is. It was so far away that it takes us around 3 days to get there.  

I was on this island for about 3 weeks.  I did this trip with scout friends. There were many of us, 23 approximately. We had to sleep in a school every night, all 23 girls in one room, but it was fun. 

We did many activities with all the children of the island, I helped a lady, her name is Rina, to do different things in her house in the morning and at the end she invited me for lunch. She cooked very well. Also, in her house she had 6 little pigs and their mother who was a big pig. They were very cute. 

They are my favorite vacations because I got to know a very little known place, I saw beautiful landscapes, I could share a lot with the children and I could help Rina in things that she could not do alone. Something important is that we raised all the money for this trip.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021


Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about a beautiful country that someday I would like to visit. I want to visit Australia because I love animals and nature and I know that there you can find the most exotic animals but also many of them are dangerous so you have to be careful. 

I know that you can do several activities because it is a tourist country, but what I most want to do is to dive, surf, visit nature sanctuaries, enter museums, the theater in Sydney, and several other things. 

One of the reasons why I want to visit this country is because a friend of mine lives there and she has told me very well about the country and the many things you can do. Besides, I could visit her and accompany her for a while, because I just want to travel.  Although for a long time I was thinking about going there to study, but I didn't find a place to study that I loved. 

I hope you liked this post and see you soon. 


  I don't think I had ever thought about changing things in my career curriculum, but I think I would like to take academic load off mor...